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Important dates and forms for the new IHSS timesheet rules

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has made changes to IHSS program rules related to the 2016 implementation of overtime, travel time, and medical wait time. Some of these rules affect the way we complete our IHSS timesheets. We advise all providers to be aware of the following dates and required forms.

MARCH 15, 2016

CDSS mailed several informational notices and forms to IHSS providers and recipients. March 15, 2016, is the date by which your client must review, complete, and postmark IHSS form SOC 2256 the In-Home Supportive Services Program Recipient and Provider Workweek Agreement. Note: this is only for clients who have more than IHSS provider.

APRIL 15, 2016

The updated In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Enrollment Agreement (SOC 846) now includes information on overtime and travel time. All providers must review, sign, and return the SOC 846 to your local county office. SOC 846 can be found here.

While the State recently announced that providers who do not return the form by April 15th will no longer be terminated from the IHSS program, it is still a required form so please turn it in as soon as possible.

In addition to SOC 846, the following form must be completed and returned if it applies to you:

  • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Workweek & Travel Time Agreement (SOC 2255) – If you have more than one IHSS client, you must review, complete, and return this form to your local county office by April 15th. Providers who qualify for travel time will not receive a travel time claim form until this form is returned.

MAY 1, 2016

Beginning May 1st, IHSS providers who complete their timesheets incorrectly will receive violations. After two warning violations, providers who receive a third violation will be suspended for three months, and providers who receive a fourth violation will be terminated from the program for one year.

Violations will be harmful to providers and our clients. Because of this, all providers are encouraged to avoid them by learning the new program rules. You can do this by:

  • Attending a timesheet training. Contact your local UDW office to learn more;
  • Visiting for information on how you, your clients, and your timesheets will be affected by the IHSS program changes;
  • Liking UDW on Facebook to see our IHSS Tips of the Day;
  • And calling the UDW Member Benefits Center at 1-800-621-5016 with IHSS program and timesheet questions.